The Implications of Physical Water Polution in The Tukad Buleleng’s Estuary (Buleleng Ex-harbor)

The Implications of Physical Water Polution in The Tukad Buleleng’s Estuary
(Buleleng Ex-harbor)
(I Wayan Sumartika)
Geography Education Department
Ganesha University of Education

Geography studies the relationship between the elements of non biotic, biotic, and culture. The harmonious relationship between the studied elements in Geography will produce a harmonious life as well. Along with the rapid growth of the increasing quantity of man on earth, the fulfillment of human needs will also increase. Moreover, human nature which never feels satisfied increases the complexity of human activity itself.
Humans are an individual living creature. That is, every human has distinctive characteristic which differ to others. The difference characteristic is indicated by the different ways of thinking, behavior, identity, and even physical appearance. Along with being individual, humans are social creatures too. Human as social creature means in fulfilling needs they require the assistance of others. In addition, as the result of bearing those two statuses, humans perform certain activities to fulfill their needs, both individual needs and collective ones. 
Economic standpoint describes the production process not only results products (goods), but also (waste) in the form of defective items or waste. The phenomenon of social capillarity besides performing the process of production, distribution activities, and consumption; human’s activities also results waste which we know as pollution and garbage. Waste, pollution, and garbage are the materials that pollute the elements of non biotic, biotic, and culture in certain places which have high social, economic and tourism intensity activities.
Pollution is the process of certain substances enters the environments which bring negative impact toward it. Non biotic environment such as water, the air and the soil are elements that often receive pollution from human activities. Pollution of water is dangerous since water has a direct contact with human activities. The nature of water that is frequently needed is not always available in every occasion, at certain places and in certain static quality (Atmaja, 1995). However, water has a high dynamics which more simply can be known through the understanding of the water cycle. Water is not only available on the ground (soil) and sea, but also in the air (hydrometeorology). The entirety of the water that is available in every place has a great influence on the life on earth, especially humans.
Water is a natural resource that has a very important function for human’s life and other living creatures, so the quality of water must be maintained for the sake of the present generation (PNMPLH No. 01Tahun 2010). Un-wise water usage by humans results in water pollution. Water pollution is the inclusion of living creatures, substances, energy, and/or other components into the air as the result of human activities that exceed the set up waste-water quality standard (PPNLH No. 01 Tahun 2010). There are four main parameters which are indicators in determining whether the body of water suffered pollution or not. Those are physical parameters, chemical parameters, biological and bio-chemical parameters.
Water pollution commonly occurs in larger cities. The development of the city is a reflection of human victory over the earth as they do not rely on nature anymore (Sriartha, 2004). This phenomenon has positive and negative effects. The impact of the development of the city is the level of land used in the city and the way people consume goods and services. The reported data indicates that the contamination of water (river) from domestic waste and non-domestic ones in cities of developing countries are very serious (Darmono, 2001). The wastewater that is produced by the settlements (households) in the urban areas is one of the biggest causes of the water pollution. The wastewater is one of the domestic wastes, as the negative residual production result, produced by the business and/or activities; it is usually in a form of liquid in which becomes the dominant source of pollution (PMNLH No. 5 of 2014). The characteristics of the city as the residential areas and the industrial increase the water use itself. The use of water in the cities such as in the household, tourism objects, factories, shops, malls, and so forth. The water used being sourced from the springs, boreholes, and rivers. These human activities will affect the quality and quantity of water itself that resulting relatively the high water pollution.
Singaraja city is one of the coastal plain towns. Besides being a coastal city, Singaraja are also an education city, a government center city, and Buleleng economic center. Those Singaraja city statuses reveal the characteristic community activities that affect the environment itself, especially river water pollution. Every river that flows through Singaraja; they empty into the Sea of Bali. The emptying of this river water can be seen from the phenomenon of pollution itself. The pollution of the river is cumulatively from upstream to downstream can be found in the estuaries that directly adjacent with the marine waters; thus it is very dangerous for marine life. In addition, in coastal areas, especially in estuaries, it often experiences much pollution caused by the pollution that is processed very slow (Darmono, 2001). The slow pollution process meant is that the accumulation of substances that are difficult to be a normal pollution; it is due to the accumulation of contaminants that is very high.
Buleleng estuary in the Kampung Tinggi coastal waters is a dense residential area populated and the river estuary that divides the city of Singaraja. Along the riverbanks is a very dense residential population; the population’s activities are so high that enable create a large pollution produced by domestic waste (Nurlita, 2014). The pollution happened in the downstream have occurred in all estuary bodies of Tukad Buleleng, one of the big rivers in Buleleng. However, when it is considered, the estuarine conditions which connect directly to the beach area are not completely similar getting a direct contact with the sea water; and of course it has a disparate impact.
Tukad Buleleng is a large river that flows and divides the Singaraja city. Tukad Buleleng is the river which has a length around 16,500 meters (Buleleng in Figures, 2015). Tukad Buleleng is one of springs that affect the community's lives, there. The water of Tukad Buleleng which empties near the Ex Buleleng Harbour observed that nowadays it is experiencing a contamination or polution. The water characteristics of Tukad Buleleng that flows near the residential communities mostly display the characteristics of Tukad Buleleng that undergo the pollution. The importance of Tukad Buleleng toward the local people’s lives surrounding is the thing that should be paid attention by both of the government and society. There is the river pollution phenomenon reflected from the water river estuary itself; in which it is a very risky and dangerous if it is ignored. The level of pollution and its effects toward the other components in the estuary of Tukad Buleleng are important to be investigated.
The investigation of the Tukad Buleleng water pollution estuary level used primary data collection techniques by conducting observation. The observations were conducted three times during a single day via two stations to obtain the temporal recording of the estuary water pollution levels of Tukad Buleleng itself. The data collection used observation sheets, thermometer, and a TDS meter. The data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis with the locations in Muara Tukad Buleleng (8.1031525o S and 15.0900865o E).

Based on the data collection gathered in the previous stage; the water pollution in the Tukad Buleleng estuary shows the dynamic characteristics based on the dimension of time. The level of Tukad Buleleng estuary water pollution can be analyzed through each of the parameters that have been set as follows.
a. Brightness and Color
The quick dynamic is indicated by the parameter of Tukad Buleleng estuary. In the morning, the brightness of water is quite clear but the color is quite dark. The low level of pollution happens because of less domestic and non domestic activities.  In addition, this is also caused by the wave neutralization and high tide phenomenon. The sea wave and high tide phenomenon become a media of some materials which change the color of the water into quite crystal one.
Different with the above case, in the afternoon, the domestic activity is getting increased. The color of Tukad Buleleng estuary water changes into old brown with the clear degradation between sea water and river water. This color gradation indicates that the adulteration process between sea water and   river water run gradually. This gradual adulteration happens because of the low river current and wave. In the afternoon, the dark brown water indicates that the level of pollution is in the culmination point compared with others time.
Last, in the evening, the color of estuary water is dark young green. This special green indicates that certain microorganism is undergoing rapid development starting in the morning until in the evening. The maximal adulteration between sea water and river water affects this kind of color. 
b. Smell
Based on the smell which was observed by the researcher, it can be noted that the water of Tukad Buleleng estuary was undergoing the serious pollution. The normal water is the water without any smell. This is showed by the smell of water in the Tukad Buleleng estuary. Based on the time dimension based observation, both smelling water and non smelling water indicates the sensitivity of human smelling. In the morning and in the evening, the estuary water is odor of fish mixed with the salty aroma which brings steams of salt from the sea. While in the afternoon, putrid smell is coming from the Tukad Buleleng area. Therefore, after conducted an observation, the putrid smell is caused by the death animals and mixed rubbish which floats on the river bank.
c. TDS and Turbidity
The turbidity which is able to be counted mathematically through TDS measurement is undergoing fluctuation rate. Generally, from the two samples taken in the morning, afternoon, and evening show the significant differences.  The first sample was taken from the water near the sea, while the second sample was taken from the Tukad Buleleng estuary. The result is, the first sample shows the low level of pollution because the TDS number is below 100uS. But in other hand, the second sample which is not mix yet shows the high level of pollution with the number is upper than100uS in TDS measurement. If the water indicates the number 1000-2000uS in TDS, it can be concluded that the water belongs to 5 (E) type. The water with E type is not recommended to be used with the previous type. Means that, this type of water is not good to be consumed, washed, or even used in agriculture and fishery.  
The graph which shows dynamism of TDS in Tukad Buleleng estuary seemingly refers to the phenomenon heading to equilibrium. If the TDS in the first sample and the second sample are accumulated, they will not show the different result. It means that the dynamic still happens instead of some physical factors, such as the wave, river flow, the number of pollutant, and others type of physical aspect.
d. Temperature
Temperature is the most abstract parameter in the process of measurement. The measurement of temperature usually uses thermometer as an instrument. The dynamic of temperature happens in the range of time, in the morning until afternoon as the critical water pollution. If the water temperature deviation between 3-5oC, it can be concluded that, the water belongs to E type and very dangerous for all organism especially in the estuary. The organism which lives in the estuary needs high adaptable ability to survive from the drastic temperature change.
              The water temperature is affected by some factors, and mostly the factor which significantly affects the temperature is the intensity of solar radiation. The water reaches the highest temperature in every morning.  The other factor which affects the water temperature in Tukad Buleleng estuary is the characteristics of the ocean and land. In the evening, the sun inclines through the west after radiating the water with high intensity.  The characteristic of the ocean which absorb a lot of heat during the day influences the water of estuary to keep warm, since both of water from ocean and estuary are mixed in the night.  Based on the data gained on the temperature measurement of the water during the day through the night, it can be seen that there is no significant deviation caused by those factors. So, the organisms that live in the water can adapt even with their low ability.
              The intensity of pollution especially the garbage are not measured by the particular instrument however, it is measured by the physical visual based on the time of appearance.  The water is belonged to a good quality when there is no garbage on it. In the other side, the water which there is garbage on it is categorized as impure water. It can be conclude that the Tukad Buleleng estuary have impure water.
              The intensity of garbage volume is different based on the time whether in the morning, noon or evening. In the morning, the garbage appeared in Tukad Buleleng estuary shows the lowest quantity. At that moment, the water looked cleaner. People activities around the river are not seen much so, there is no garbage yet there. Besides that, the estuary has been neutralized by the tide water of the ocean along the night before.  All of that garbage has been carried and distributed by the tide water trough the beach line.
              The quantity of garbage from during the day until the evening has increased significantly. It can be concluded that the increased of the human activities are in line with the increased of the quantity of the garbage. The highest quantity of the garbage appeared in the estuary happened in the evening. Many different kind of garbage can be seen at that time. We can see leaf litter, twigs, wood, animal carcasses, leftover fruits such as durian, rambutan and orange appeared in the estuary. The other garbage which can be found are the rest of sanitary napkins, broken triplex, which settles in the bottom of clothing, cigarette butts, dolls, residual food packaging and many more. Both of organic or inorganic garbage have the same percentage. Based on the parameters of garbage, water pollution in the Tukad Buleleng estuary has reach on acute situations. It implicates directly on the environment whether biotic, non biotic or social environment. The intensity of the pollution is based on the material, quantity, and frequency of the garbage spread in the estuary. The effect of this pollution is belonged to a very serious implication. There will be many elements which get the disadvantage of this implication. In aims to make easier in the description, the disadvantages that affected by this implication will be explained more by the parameter of the physical pollution. These are the implications that happened.
a. The Distance through the Sea
                As we know the water contained in the estuary is the combination between both water from the river and water from the ocean. There are some particular characteristics that only can be found in the estuary which is affected by the ocean and the river. In the other side, this pollution will effect on the ecosystem of the organism in the ocean. The water that has been contaminated by the pollution is transported through the ocean of the Bali.
                 Based on the time dimension of time, in the morning where the wave are not really high. At that time, the water stream of the river becomes the important element that influences the distribution of the garbage trough the ocean. The garbage flow easily trough the ocean so, the process finish quickly. Based on the fact found, the furthest distance that can be reached by the garbage is on 600 m from the Tukad Buleleng estuary. In the other side, in the afternoon we can see the opposite phenomenon which is the physical characteristics becomes balance. The waves of the ocean are ideal so that the distribution of the pollution through the ocean decrease into the low level.
                 The nearest projection of the pollution is on the evening. The projection reaches 200 m from Tukad Buleleng estuary. This implication of pollution is caused by the high waves which start to increase. The water streams are weak compared to the high wave from the ocean so the materials of the garbage are just accumulated and floated around the Tukad Buleleng estuary. It means that the pollutant material is unable to enter the sea further in the other times.
Garbage based on the danger toward the environment can be divided into two, mainly plastic waste and organic. Plastic waste is more hazardous if it is in the body of water rather than organic waste.   It is much harder that the plastic waste decomposed by the bacteria; so that its presence will be accumulated in the sea. Plastic waste accumulation will inhibit the growth of coral reefs that is known as the habitat of the fish in the sea. If the coral growth is interrupted, then the other marine life will suffer due to the lacking of food. The food chain experiences inequality where consumers will be much higher than the producer organism.
Oil component which is insoluble in water makes water color to be black. Hydrocarbon components contained by the oil can be toxic and affect the reproduction, development, growth and behavior of marine organisms, especially plankton. Emulsification process is a source of mortality of marine organism particularly in the phase of eggs, larvae, and embryos that have characteristics vulnerable attacked by the water pollution. The long-term effects of pollution caused by oil can affect the food chain. The substances accumulation nature contained in water pollution being accumulated in the organism; and it is distributed to other organisms through the food chain. It is on and on happened; the food chain starts from phytoplankton, zooplankton, small fish, crabs, fish predators, until consumed by humans; thus, it is very dangerous to the health and biodiversity. The chemical compounds contained in certain organisms are eaten by humans can lead to various types of cancers that are dangerous and able to cause death.
Based on the exposure to the discussion in the previous chapter; the conclusions that can be drawn are:
The level of water pollution in Tukad Buleleng estuary dynamically follows the dimension of time. It means that from a certain time differs based on the influencing factor. The factors that most affect the level of water pollution in Tukad Buleleng estuary is that the human activity. In addition, the other factors which are also influential, mainly the physical conditions, like river currents, waves, tides and sunlight exposure. In general, the level of water pollution in Tukad Buleleng estuary is in critical condition. Pollution is at an intermediate level.
The water pollution at the estuary of Tukad Buleleng implicates toward the biotic and non biotic environment. Non biotic environment affected is that the quality of the water itself. The quality of water in estuaries and seaward has a low quality with E water category. The non biotic elements affected are that the lower air quality as a result of a foul smell and fishy. Concerning to the impact of biotic elements; the water pollution in the estuary of Tukad Buleleng does not reveal a specific and clear bio-indicators, such as the death of biota. Small fish, water snails, algae water are still able to live in the estuary of Tukad Buleleng. However, the biota life is disrupted by the waste substances that settle in the bottom of the estuary. The muddy water and high temperature would interfere the organisms’ breathing; thus, they need to have a high adaptability toward their environment.
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Other Sources:
-  Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 51 tahun 2004
-  Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup RI No 5 Tahun 2014
-  Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup RI No 01 Tahun 2010
-  Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No 82 Tahun 2001

            Table 1. Data Collection                                              Wednesday, March 16th, 2016



Quality standards
In the Morning

(07:55) WITA
In the Afternoon

(13:24) WITA
In the Night

(18:10) WITA
Sampel no
Dark Brown
Dark Brown
Dark Green
Dark Green
Very  Turbid
Very  Turbid
1000 - 2000
28 – 30
Oil layer